Alginate Bags

Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bags (often referred to as Alginte Bags, Soluble Seam Bags or Dissolvo Bags) are an essential part of any effective infection control process. One of the areas of greatest risk for cross contamination is soiled linen during the handling process of collection, transportation, sorting and loading the washer. The Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bag eliminates any contact between source and the disinfection process in the washer.
Whether handling linen or clothing that is either contaminated with body fluids or considered infectious, it is vital to eliminate the risk of cross contaminatin to staff, residents and other people entering an aged care or health care facility. OLSHS's Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bag meets the duty of care guidelines by ensuring the safe isolation, transportation and disinfection of foul and infectious linen.
The filled Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bag is sealed with its cold water tie, which is conveniently attached to the bag for quick and efficient sealing, ready for transfer to the laundry. The bags are then placed unopened, into the washer. Within 30 seconds of the wash cycle, the bag's soluble seam and tie dissolve, releasing the contents of the bag to be washed and disinfected. At the end of the wash cycle, the linen is removed from the washer for drying and the Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bag is now a clean disinfected sheet of PE film which is removed and discarded (preferably to your recycled waste rather than general landfill waste).
An absolute "must have" for gastro, scabies and bed bug outbreaks. The Dissolvable Seam Laundry Bag is ideal for any type of foul and/or infectious laundry, and suitable for hot or cold water washing.
The external soluble seam and tie are not effected by damp or wet linen as they are protected from the inside by a layer of impermiable PE film.
Available in RED for general foul linen and YELLOW for infectious, allowing the perfect colour coding system for all personnel involved in the chain of soiled linen handling and processing.
Ask us for our instructional wall charts!